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Tag: garage door repair rockwall tx

Can A Smartphone Be Used As A Garage Door Opener – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Yes, smartphones can be used as  Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX through the integration of smart garage door opener systems and compatible smartphone apps.

Here’s a comprehensive overview of how smartphones can function as garage door openers:

1. Smart Garage Door Opener Systems:

Smart garage door opener systems are designed to enable remote control and monitoring of garage doors using smartphone apps and internet connectivity. These systems typically consist of the following components:

  • Smart Garage Door Controller: The smart garage door controller serves as the central hub of the system, connecting the garage door opener mechanism to the internet via Wi-Fi or another communication protocol.
  • Smartphone App: Manufacturers provide dedicated smartphone apps that allow users to remotely open, close, and monitor their garage doors from anywhere with an internet connection. These apps often offer additional features such as real-time alerts, scheduling, and integration with other smart home devices.
  • Compatibility: Smart garage door opener systems are compatible with both iOS and Android smartphones, ensuring widespread accessibility for users regardless of their device preferences.

2. Functionality and Features:

  • Remote Control: Smartphone apps enable users to open and close their garage doors remotely, providing convenience and flexibility, particularly when arriving home or leaving without access to traditional garage door remotes.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Users can receive real-time notifications on their smartphones regarding the status of their garage doors, including whether they are open, closed, or in motion. This feature enhances security and provides peace of mind by allowing users to monitor garage door activity from anywhere.
  • Scheduling: Some smart garage door opener apps offer scheduling capabilities, allowing users to automate door operations based on predefined schedules. For example, users can schedule the garage door to close automatically at a specific time each evening.
  • Integration with Smart Home Ecosystems: Many smart garage door opener systems are compatible with popular smart home ecosystems such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple HomeKit. This integration enables users to control their garage doors using voice commands and integrate them into broader smart home automation routines.

3. Installation and Setup:

  • Hardware Installation: Smart garage door opener systems typically require the installation of a smart garage door controller, which may involve connecting the controller to the existing garage door opener mechanism and configuring it to connect to the home’s Wi-Fi network.
  • App Setup: Once the hardware is installed, users must download and install the manufacturer’s smartphone app from the respective app store (e.g., Apple App Store or Google Play Store). The app will guide users through the setup process, which typically involves creating an account, pairing the controller with the app, and configuring any desired settings or preferences.

4. Security Considerations:

  • Authentication and Encryption: Smart garage door opener systems employ authentication mechanisms and encryption protocols to ensure secure communication between the smartphone app and the garage door controller, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access or tampering.
  • Two-factor Authentication: Some systems offer two-factor authentication options, requiring users to verify their identity using additional factors such as biometrics or one-time passcodes for added security.
  • Regular Software Updates: Manufacturers regularly release software updates and security patches for their smartphone apps and garage door controller firmware to address vulnerabilities and enhance security. Users should ensure that they install these updates promptly to maintain the security of their smart garage door opener systems.

By following installation instructions, configuring settings, and prioritizing security best practices, users can enjoy the benefits of smartphone-controlled  Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX safely and effectively.

BH Garage Doors and Gates

4035 N Goliad St, Rockwall, TX 75087, United States



How To Get Garage Door Open With Broken Spring – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Dealing with a broken Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX spring can be challenging, but it’s essential to address the issue safely and efficiently to regain access to your garage.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to get a garage door open with a broken spring:

1. Understand the Risks:

  • Before attempting to open the garage door, it’s crucial to understand the risks associated with a broken spring. A broken spring can cause the door to become heavy and difficult to lift manually. Additionally, there’s a risk of the door falling unexpectedly, which can result in property damage or personal injury.

2. Assess the Situation:

  • Inspect the garage door and identify which spring is broken. Garage doors typically have either one or two torsion springs located above the door or one or two extension springs mounted on the sides of the door tracks. Identifying the broken spring will help you determine the best course of action.

3. Disengage the Garage Door Opener:

  • If your garage door opener is connected to the door, you’ll need to disengage it before attempting to open the door manually. Locate the emergency release cord or lever on the opener mechanism and pull it to disconnect the opener from the door.

4. Secure the Door:

  • Use locking pliers or C-clamps to secure the garage door in place once the opener is disengaged. Place the clamps on the vertical tracks just below the bottom rollers to prevent the door from moving unexpectedly.

5. Use Caution When Lifting:

  • Keep in mind that a garage door with a broken spring will be heavier than usual and may require significant force to lift. Use caution and proper lifting techniques to avoid straining yourself or causing further damage to the door.

6. Lift the Door Manually:

  • Standing inside the garage, grip the bottom of the garage door with both hands and lift it slowly and evenly. Be prepared for the door to be heavier than normal, especially if it has a broken torsion spring.

7. Prop the Door Open:

  • Once the garage door is open, use sturdy objects such as bricks, blocks, or wooden wedges to prop it open securely. This will prevent the door from accidentally closing while you assess the situation or make repairs.

8. Inspect the Spring and Door Mechanism:

  • Take a closer look at the broken spring and assess its condition. Determine whether it’s a torsion spring or extension spring and inspect for any signs of damage or wear. Additionally, check the door tracks, cables, and other components for any issues that may need attention.

9. Call a Professional for Repairs:

  • Repairing or replacing a broken garage door spring is a job best left to trained professionals. Attempting to repair the spring yourself can be dangerous and may lead to further damage or injury. Contact a reputable garage door repair company to assess the situation and perform the necessary repairs safely.

10. Consider Preventative Maintenance:

  • Broken garage door springs are often the result of wear and tear over time. Consider scheduling regular maintenance checks with a professional garage door technician to inspect and lubricate the springs and other components, ensuring they’re in good working condition and reducing the risk of unexpected failures.


  • Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX By following these steps and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can safely open your garage door and address the issue effectively.

BH Garage Doors and Gates

4035 N Goliad St, Rockwall, TX 75087, United States



How Program Garage Door To Car – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Programming your Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX to your car involves synchronizing the car’s built-in garage door opener system with your garage door opener unit. This process allows you to open and close your garage door using buttons or controls integrated into your car’s interior. While the specific steps may vary depending on the make and model of your car and garage door opener,

the general process typically involves the following steps

  1. Locate the HomeLink Button: Many modern cars come equipped with a built-in system called HomeLink that allows you to program and control garage doors, gates, and other home automation devices. The HomeLink buttons are usually located on the overhead console, visor, or rearview mirror of your car. Refer to your car’s owner’s manual for the exact location and operation of the HomeLink buttons.
  2. Prepare Your Garage Door Opener: Before programming your car to the garage door opener, ensure that your garage door opener unit is compatible with the HomeLink system. Most garage door openers manufactured after 1993 are equipped with HomeLink compatibility, but older models may require additional equipment or adapters. Consult your garage door opener’s instruction manual or manufacturer for compatibility information and instructions.
  3. Clear Existing Programming (If Necessary): If your garage door opener has been previously programmed to another device or remote control, you may need to clear the existing programming before proceeding. Refer to your garage door opener’s instruction manual for specific steps on how to clear existing codes or programming.
  4. Put Your Car in Programming Mode: To program your car’s HomeLink system to the garage door opener, you’ll need to put the HomeLink buttons into programming mode. This typically involves pressing and holding one or more of the HomeLink buttons until the indicator light begins to flash rapidly. Refer to your car’s owner’s manual for the exact procedure for putting HomeLink into programming mode, as it may vary depending on the make and model of your car.
  5. Activate the Garage Door Opener’s Learn Button: On your garage door opener unit, locate the “Learn” or “Program” button, which is usually located near the motor housing. Press and release the Learn button to put the garage door opener into programming mode. The indicator light on the garage door opener unit will typically begin to flash, indicating that it is ready to receive programming signals.
  6. Program the HomeLink Buttons: With both your car’s HomeLink system and the garage door opener unit in programming mode, you can now program the HomeLink buttons to synchronize them with the garage door opener. The exact steps for programming may vary depending on your car’s make and model, but generally involve the following:a. Press and hold the desired HomeLink button you wish to program.b. While holding the HomeLink button, simultaneously press and release the button on your garage door opener unit (the Learn button).c. Release the HomeLink button after a few seconds. The indicator light on the garage door opener unit should flash or blink, indicating that the programming was successful.
  7. Test the Programmed HomeLink Buttons: Once programming is complete, test the programmed HomeLink buttons to ensure they operate the garage door opener correctly. Park your car within range of the garage door opener unit and press the programmed HomeLink button corresponding to the garage door. The garage door should respond immediately, opening or closing as programmed. If the garage door does not respond, repeat the programming steps and ensure that you’re following the correct procedure.
  8. Finalize Programming (If Necessary): Some garage door opener models may require additional steps to finalize programming or adjust settings after programming the HomeLink buttons. Refer to your garage door opener’s instruction manual for guidance on any additional programming or configuration steps that may be required.
  9. Repeat for Additional Cars or Buttons (Optional): If you have multiple cars or buttons that you wish to program to the garage door opener, repeat the programming process for each additional car or button following the same steps outlined above.
  10. Secure and Store Your Remote Controls (Optional): Once programming is complete, securely mount your car’s HomeLink remote control within your car’s interior, such as on the overhead console or visor, for easy access and operation. Avoid leaving the remote control in plain sight when your car is unattended to prevent theft or unauthorized access to your garage.

If you encounter any difficulties during the programming process, refer to the troubleshooting sections of the instruction manuals or consult with a professional for assistance Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX

BH Garage Doors and Gates

4035 N Goliad St, Rockwall, TX 75087, United States



How Much To Install Electric Garage Door Opener – BH Garage Doors and Gates

While it’s challenging to provide an exact cost without knowing specific details about your Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX and requirements,

I can offer a general overview of the factors that can influence the cost of installing an electric garage door opener:

  1. Type of Opener: Garage door openers come in various types, including chain-drive, belt-drive, screw-drive, and direct-drive models. The cost of installation may vary depending on the type of opener you choose. Chain-drive openers are typically the most affordable option but may produce more noise during operation. Belt-drive openers tend to be quieter and more expensive, while screw-drive and direct-drive openers fall somewhere in between in terms of cost and performance.
  2. Opener Features: The cost of installation may also depend on the features and capabilities of the garage door opener. Basic models may include standard features such as remote control operation and safety sensors, while more advanced models may offer additional features such as battery backup, Wi-Fi connectivity, smartphone control, motion detection lighting, and advanced security features. The complexity of the opener’s features may affect the installation process and cost.
  3. Installation Services: Professional installation services are typically offered by garage door manufacturers, authorized dealers, or independent contractors. The cost of installation can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the installation, location, and any additional services required, such as removal of the old opener or customization of the garage door opening. Some retailers or installation professionals may offer installation packages or discounts when purchasing a garage door opener, so be sure to inquire about installation costs when obtaining quotes.
  4. Additional Materials and Equipment: In addition to the garage door opener itself, you may need to purchase additional materials or equipment for the installation process. This may include mounting hardware, electrical wiring, safety sensors, remote controls, keypads, wall buttons, and other accessories. The cost of these additional materials will depend on your specific requirements and preferences.
  5. Warranty and Support: Garage door openers typically come with warranties that provide coverage against defects in materials and workmanship for a specified period. The length and terms of the warranty may vary depending on the manufacturer and model of the opener. Some retailers or installation professionals may offer extended warranty options or service plans for an additional cost, providing added peace of mind and protection against future issues.

It’s essential to obtain quotes from reputable garage door dealers or installation professionals to get an accurate estimate for the cost of installing an electric garage door opener. Be sure to communicate your specific needs, preferences, and budget constraints to the installer to ensure that you receive a tailored quote that meets your requirements. Additionally, inquire about warranty coverage, service guarantees, and any additional fees or charges associated with the installation process to avoid surprises later on.

conclusion :

By considering these factors and obtaining multiple quotes from reputable providers, you can make an informed decision and ensure a smooth and successful installation process for your Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX

BH Garage Doors and Gates

4035 N Goliad St, Rockwall, TX 75087, United States



What Are Some Guidelines For Inspecting Potential Issues Requiring Garage Door Repair? – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Regular inspection of your Garage Door Repairs Rockwall TX is a fundamental aspect of home maintenance that can help identify potential issues before they become major problems.

Taking the time to check for possible garage door repairs can not only extend the life of your door but also ensure it operates smoothly and safely. In this article, we’ll provide essential tips for homeowners to perform a comprehensive DIY inspection of their garage doors, helping them identify and address potential repair needs.

1. Visual Inspection of Hardware:

Start your garage door inspection with a visual examination of the hardware. Inspect hinges, rollers, tracks, and springs for signs of wear, rust, or damage. Look for loose bolts and nuts and tighten them with the appropriate tools. Pay close attention to any components that appear misaligned or bent. If you notice significant wear or damage, it may be necessary to replace these parts to ensure the smooth operation of your garage door.

DIY Tip:

Use a lubricant on moving parts like rollers and hinges to reduce friction and promote smooth operation. Lubrication also helps prevent rust and prolongs the lifespan of these components.

2. Balance and Alignment Check:

An imbalanced or misaligned garage door can lead to operational issues and premature wear. To check the balance, close the door and disconnect the automatic opener. Manually lift the door halfway and release it. If the door stays in place, it is balanced. If it moves up or down, it indicates an imbalance that should be addressed.

Inspect the alignment of the tracks visually. Misaligned tracks can cause the door to operate unevenly. Use a level to ensure the tracks are straight and parallel. If needed, loosen the screws holding the tracks in place, make adjustments, and tighten the screws again.

DIY Tip:

Test the balance and alignment periodically to catch and address issues early on. Misalignments can lead to wear and tear on various components, affecting the overall performance of your garage door.

3. Testing Safety Features:

Garage doors come with safety features designed to prevent accidents and injuries. Two critical safety features are the photo-eye sensors and the auto-reverse mechanism. The photo-eye sensors, located near the ground on both sides of the door, prevent it from closing if an object or person is in its path. Test these sensors by placing an object in the door’s path while closing it; the door should automatically reverse.

The auto-reverse mechanism ensures that the door reverses direction if it encounters resistance while closing. Test this feature by placing a piece of wood on the ground in the door’s path. If the door does not reverse upon contact with the wood, adjustments or repairs may be necessary.

DIY Tip:

Regularly clean the photo-eye sensors to ensure they are free from dirt or debris, as this can interfere with their functionality. If the auto-reverse mechanism fails to operate correctly, consult the owner’s manual for guidance on adjustments.

4. Inspect Weather Stripping:

Weather stripping along the sides and bottom of the garage door is crucial for keeping out elements such as rain, snow, and debris. Over time, weather stripping can wear out or become damaged, compromising its effectiveness. Inspect the weather stripping for signs of wear, cracks, or gaps. If you notice any issues, replace the weather stripping to maintain a proper seal.

DIY Tip:

Regularly check and replace weather stripping as needed, especially if you notice drafts or water entering the garage. Proper weather stripping helps maintain energy efficiency and protects your garage from the elements.

5. Check the Automatic Opener:

The automatic opener plays a significant role in the smooth operation of your garage door. Check for any unusual noises, vibrations, or delays when operating the opener. Inspect the opener’s chain or belt for signs of wear or slack, and tighten or replace it if necessary. Test the responsiveness of the opener by operating it from both the wall control and the remote control.

DIY Tip:

Regularly lubricate the moving parts of the automatic opener to reduce friction and noise. Check for any loose connections or damaged wires and address them promptly. If you notice persistent issues, consult the owner’s manual for troubleshooting tips.

6. Listen for Unusual Noises:

Pay attention to the sounds your garage door makes during operation. Unusual noises, such as squeaks, grinding, or banging, may indicate underlying issues that require attention. These noises could be due to worn-out rollers, loose hardware, or misaligned tracks. Identifying and addressing these issues early can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your garage door.

DIY Tip:

Regularly listen for unusual noises while operating your garage door. If you notice persistent sounds that are not typical, investigate the source or consult with a professional technician for a more in-depth inspection.


Performing regular DIY inspections of your Garage Door Repairs Rockwall TX is a proactive approach to maintenance that can help you catch potential issues before they escalate. By visually inspecting hardware, checking balance and alignment, testing safety features, inspecting weather stripping, and evaluating the automatic opener, homeowners can ensure that their garage doors operate smoothly and safely. Prioritizing these inspections not only contributes to the longevity of the door but also enhances the overall safety and security of your home. If, during your DIY inspection, you identify issues beyond your comfort level or expertise, consider consulting with a professional garage door technician for further guidance and repairs.

BH Garage Doors and Gates


How Much Are Retractable Garage Screen Doors – BH Gates & Garage Door Repair

The cost of retractable Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX can vary based on factors such as the size of the door, the type of material used, features, and whether professional installation is included.

Retractable screen doors for garages offer homeowners a versatile solution to enjoy fresh air while keeping insects and debris out. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the factors influencing the cost of retractable garage screen doors and provide insights into the various options available.

1. Types of Retractable Garage Screen Doors: Retractable garage screen doors come in different types to accommodate various garage door configurations:

  • Single Car Garage Doors: These are designed to fit standard single-car garage door openings.
  • Double Car Garage Doors: Larger retractable screens are available to fit double car garage door openings.

2. Screen Material: The material of the screen affects both its durability and cost. Common materials include:

  • Fiberglass: Lightweight and cost-effective, fiberglass screens provide good visibility and ventilation.
  • Polyester: Durable and resistant to damage, polyester screens are a popular choice for long-lasting performance.
  • Vinyl: Vinyl screens are durable and offer good resistance to the elements. They provide additional privacy and are easy to maintain.

3. Size and Customization: The size of the garage door opening directly impacts the cost of the retractable screen. Larger openings will require more material and possibly a more robust structure. Additionally, customization options, such as color choices, decorative elements, and additional features, can contribute to the overall cost.

4. Motorization and Remote Control: Some retractable garage screen doors offer motorized options with remote control functionality. This convenient feature allows homeowners to easily open and close the screens with the touch of a button, but it can add to the overall cost.

5. Professional Installation: While some homeowners may choose to install retractable garage screen doors themselves, professional installation is often recommended. Installation costs can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the installation, the type of screen, and local labor rates.

6. Brand and Quality: Different brands offer retractable garage screen doors with varying levels of quality and customization options. Established and reputable brands may have higher upfront costs but can provide better durability and warranty coverage.

7. Warranty and Maintenance: Consider the warranty offered by the manufacturer for retractable garage screen doors. A longer warranty period or comprehensive coverage may contribute to the overall value of the product.

8. Local Market Conditions: Local factors, such as labor costs and market demand, can influence the overall price of retractable garage screen doors and installation services.

9. Obtaining Quotes and Comparisons: To get an accurate estimate, it’s recommended to obtain quotes from multiple manufacturers and installation professionals. Comparing these quotes will help you make an informed decision based on your budget and preferences.

10. Energy Efficiency: Some retractable garage screen doors offer enhanced insulation and UV protection, contributing to energy efficiency. While this can increase the initial cost, it may lead to long-term energy savings.


Retractable Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX provide a flexible and functional solution for enjoying outdoor air while keeping insects at bay. The cost of these screens can vary based on factors such as the size of the screen, material, customization options, professional installation, and additional features. Carefully consider your specific needs, budget, and preferences to select a retractable garage screen door that enhances the usability of your garage while providing durability and convenience. Professional installation is advised to ensure proper functionality and longevity.

BH Gates & Garage Door Repair

420 Lynne Dr, Rockwall, TX 75032


How To Change Battery In Access Master Garage Door Opener – BH Garage Doors and Gates

Access Master Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX openers are convenient devices that provide easy access to your garage with the press of a button. Like any electronic device, they rely on batteries for power. When the battery in your Access Master garage door opener runs low, it’s essential to replace it promptly to ensure the continued smooth operation of your garage door.

This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to change the battery in your Access Master garage door opener.

Tools and Materials Needed:

  1. Replacement battery (Check your garage door opener’s manual for the specific battery type and size.)
  2. Screwdriver (usually Phillips head)
  3. Safety gloves (optional but recommended)
  4. Step stool or ladder (if needed)
  5. Clean cloth or paper towel

Step 1: Prepare for the Task
Before starting, make sure to gather all the necessary tools and materials. Put on safety gloves to protect your hands. Locate the power source for your garage door opener and disconnect it to ensure safety during the battery replacement process.

Step 2: Access the Battery Compartment

  1. Most Access Master garage door openers have a battery compartment cover located on the bottom side of the unit. To access this, you may need to use a step stool or ladder to get a clear view of the opener.
  2. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws securing the battery compartment cover. Place the screws in a safe location to avoid losing them.

Step 3: Remove the Old Battery

  1. Once you’ve removed the battery compartment cover, you should see the old battery. Carefully remove the old battery by gently pulling it out of its housing.
  2. If the battery is held in place by a clip or harness, release the clip or disconnect the harness to fully remove the old battery.

Step 4: Insert the New Battery

  1. Take your new replacement battery and ensure that it matches the specifications mentioned in your garage door opener’s manual.
  2. Insert the new battery into the housing in the same orientation as the old battery. Make sure it’s snugly seated and properly connected if there’s a clip or harness.

Step 5: Reassemble the Battery Compartment

  1. Put the battery compartment cover back in place over the new battery.
  2. Insert the screws and tighten them with a screwdriver. Ensure that the cover is secure but not over-tightened.

Step 6: Test the Garage Door Opener

  1. Reconnect the power source to your garage door opener.
  2. Test the garage door opener by pressing the button to operate the door. If the battery replacement was successful, the opener should function correctly.

Step 7: Clean Up

  1. Dispose of the old battery properly according to your local regulations for battery disposal.
  2. Wipe down the battery compartment cover and the surrounding area with a clean cloth or paper towel to remove any dust or debris.

Changing the battery in your Access Master Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX opener is a straightforward process that ensures the continued functionality of your garage door system. By following these step-by-step instructions and using the right tools and materials, you can easily replace the battery and enjoy smooth garage door operation for years to come. Remember to consult your specific garage door opener’s manual for any manufacturer-specific instructions or recommendations.

BH Garage Doors and Gates


How to Repair Your Rollup Garage Door – Rockwall Best Garage & Overhead Doors

 Rollup doors for commercial use are a vital component of many businesses that provide safety and security from the elements. But, these doors may sometimes malfunction, causing irritation and interruptions to the business processes. However, the positive side is that the majority of commercial rollup door issues are easily solved with a bit of troubleshooting.

Here are some typical issues and solutions as mentioned by Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX:

The door won’t open or close: It is typically caused by problems either with sensors, or the motor. Check first to make sure the electricity is off and the doors are connected. Check the sensors to determine whether they’re blocked or dirty. If so, wash them up or clear the obstruction away from your way. Then, test the motor to determine if it’s working correctly. If not then you might have to replace the motor.

The door is opened but it won’t stay open: It is usually caused due to a malfunction in the springs, cables, or the like. The first step is to determine whether the springs are damaged or stretched to the limit. In the event that they’re stretched out, you’ll have to replace them. If the issue continues, examine the cables to determine whether they’re frayed, or damaged. If so, you’ll have to replace them.

The door is opened but it won’t close: This could be caused by a problem with the sensor or motor as described above. The first step is to check sure the sensors remain in good condition and clear of obstructions. After that, you should check the motor to ensure that it’s functioning properly. If none of these options work, you may have to change the tension of the cables or springs.

In summary, as stated in Garage Door Repair Rockwall TX, Garage Repairs for Roll Doors are an easy task that can be accomplished in just a couple of hours. The first thing to determine is the issue. Are you able to tell if the door is off track? Is the door opener not functioning? Is the spring damaged? Once you have identified the cause it is time to solve the issue. If the door is not on track, it is necessary to align the tracks. If the opener isn’t working, you’ll have to test the battery and the connection. In the event that the spring has become damaged, it is necessary for it to be replaced. After you’ve fixed the issue, you can check the doors by closing and opening them multiple times. If it is working well, you’re done. If, however, the door isn’t working correctly, you might need to seek professional assistance.

Rockwall Best Garage & Overhead Doors

Rockwall, Texas 75087


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