Garage Door Repair Heiskell TN  When a garage door wheel comes off the track, it can cause the door to operate unevenly, make loud noises, or become stuck in place. However, with a few simple steps, you can often realign the wheel and get your garage door back on track.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to get a garage door wheel back on track:

1. Safety First: Before attempting any repairs, ensure your safety by disconnecting the power to the garage door opener and securing the door in the open position with locking pliers or clamps. This will prevent the door from accidentally closing while you work on it.

2. Inspect the Damage: Carefully assess the condition of the garage door track and wheels to determine the cause of the problem. Look for signs of damage, misalignment, or obstruction that may be preventing the wheel from moving freely along the track.

3. Release Tension on the Door: If the garage door is stuck in the closed position, you may need to release tension on the springs before attempting to realign the wheel. Use a winding bar to turn the tension adjustment screws on the spring system to release tension gradually.

4. Realign the Wheel: Once tension has been released, carefully lift the garage door and slide it along the track until you reach the location where the wheel has come off track. Use a flashlight to inspect the track and wheel assembly for any visible signs of misalignment or damage.

5. Loosen the Track Bolts: If necessary, use a socket wrench to loosen the bolts securing the track to the wall or ceiling. This will allow you to adjust the position of the track and realign it with the wheel.

6. Guide the Wheel Back onto the Track: With the track bolts loosened, gently guide the garage door wheel back onto the track by lifting and tilting the door slightly. Use your hands to maneuver the wheel along the track until it sits securely in the track groove.

7. Tighten the Track Bolts: Once the wheel is back on track, use a socket wrench to tighten the bolts securing the track to the wall or ceiling. Ensure that the track is straight and aligned properly before tightening the bolts to prevent future issues.

8. Test the Door: After realigning the wheel and tightening the track bolts, test the operation of the garage door to ensure that it moves smoothly along the track. Open and close the door several times to check for any signs of binding, sticking, or uneven movement.

9. Make Adjustments as Needed: If the garage door still does not operate correctly after realigning the wheel, you may need to make additional adjustments to the track or wheel assembly. Use a level to ensure that the track is straight and parallel to the ground, and adjust the position of the wheel as needed to achieve smooth operation.

10. Perform Regular Maintenance: To prevent future issues with the garage door wheels and track, perform regular maintenance tasks such as lubricating moving parts, inspecting for signs of wear or damage, and cleaning the track and wheels to remove dirt and debris.

11. Seek Professional Assistance: If you encounter any difficulties or are unsure about how to realign the garage door wheel, it’s best to seek professional assistance. A qualified garage door technician can inspect the door, identify the underlying cause of the problem, and perform any necessary repairs or adjustments to ensure smooth operation.

Garage Door Repair Heiskell TN  By following these steps and taking the necessary precautions, you can realign the wheel and restore proper operation to your garage door. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, don’t hesitate to seek help from a qualified garage door technician.

Camco Commercial Door Company

853 East Wolf Valley Rd. Heiskell, TN 37754
