Installing Garage Door Repair North Richland Hills TX is a straightforward DIY project that can help improve the energy efficiency of your garage and keep out drafts, pests, and moisture.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to install garage door stop molding.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Garage door stop molding (purchase enough to go around the perimeter of your garage door)
  2. Measuring tape
  3. Saw (miter saw or hacksaw)
  4. Carpenter’s pencil
  5. Caulk gun and exterior caulk
  6. Screwdriver
  7. Screws or nails (appropriate for your garage door material)
  8. Hammer
  9. Safety glasses
  10. Protective gloves

: Gather Your Materials and Safety Gear

Before you start, make sure you have all the necessary materials and safety gear. Safety glasses and gloves are essential to protect yourself during the installation process.

: Measure and Cut the Molding

Start by measuring the perimeter of your garage door to determine how much molding you’ll need. Add a few extra inches for safety. Use a measuring tape and a carpenter’s pencil to mark the measurements on the molding.

Next, use a saw (miter saw for precise cuts, or a hacksaw for a simpler approach) to cut the molding to the correct lengths. Make sure to cut the ends at 45-degree angles for clean and professional-looking corners.

: Prep the Garage Door

Inspect the garage door frame to ensure it’s clean and dry. If there are any gaps or holes, fill them with caulk and let it dry before proceeding.

: Install the Top Piece

Begin with the top piece of molding. Position it at the top of the garage door frame, making sure it’s flush with the exterior edge. Use a screwdriver to secure it in place with screws or nails. Space the fasteners evenly, about every 12-18 inches, depending on the size of your molding.

: Install the Side Pieces

Now, move on to the side pieces. Start with one side. Position the molding flush with the exterior edge of the garage door frame, aligning it with the top piece you installed earlier. Secure it with screws or nails as you did with the top piece.

Repeat the process for the other side.

: Install the Bottom Piece

Finally, install the bottom piece of molding. Align it with the side pieces and the bottom of the garage door frame. Secure it with screws or nails, just like you did with the other pieces.

: Fill Gaps with Caulk

Inspect the corners and seams of the molding. If there are any gaps or spaces between the molding and the garage door frame, use a caulking gun to apply exterior caulk. Smooth the caulk with a wet finger or a caulk smoothing tool for a neat finish.

: Finish and Test

Allow the caulk to dry completely before testing your newly installed garage door stop molding. Close the garage door and check for any drafts or gaps around the edges. If necessary, you can make additional caulk adjustments to seal any remaining gaps.

: Cleanup

Clean up your work area, disposing of any scraps and materials properly. Remove any protective coverings from your garage door and surrounding surfaces.

: Maintenance

Regularly inspect your garage door stop molding for signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues, such as cracks or gaps, repair or replace the molding as needed to maintain its effectiveness.

Installing Garage Door Repair North Richland Hills TX can help improve the energy efficiency of your garage, protect against pests and drafts, and enhance the overall appearance of your garage door. With the right tools and a bit of patience, it’s a DIY project that can be completed in a few hours.

NRH’s Gates & Garage Doors

7048 Ridge Crest Dr, North Richland Hills, TX 76182, United States
