Air Conditioning Repair Burleson TX

Common Problem Of Split Type Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is now an integral part of our homes, particularly in humid and hot regions and in urban areas that are polluted. Air conditioners are mostly utilized in the summer months, and that’s the time to ensure your air conditioner is well so that it won’t fail when you’re in need of it. No matter whether it’s a split air conditioner or a window air conditioner, every air conditioner is susceptible to damage and issues if it is not maintained regularly. This time we’ll discuss the most frequent issues that split air conditioners face and their solutions.

The most frequent problems with air conditioning result from poor maintenance. Most of them can be avoided with proper maintenance.

1. Insufficient Cooling

Split air conditioners are extremely efficient and do not take long for cooling the room to the temperature required. However, if the Split AC doesn’t cool as swiftly as it did in the past even though it’s running for hours it is likely that there is something wrong. The reason behind the slow or insufficient cool air in the AC unit could result from a filthy air filter or condensate that is clogged with liquid, or the development of ice on the coils of the evaporator.

Dirty Air Filter

The air filter was designed to shield the alternating current from hair, dirt, and dust. If not regularly cleaned it could block and impact the cooling capability of the air conditioner. A blocked filter can also force the AC to perform more work to cool the room, which results in higher electric costs and slow cooling. To clear or de-block your air filters, get them removed from the split air conditioner and clean them using an unreliable vacuum cleaner or hot water.

Ice Around Evaporator Coils

Another reason that could be behind the cooling issue is the development of ice on the coils of the evaporator. If you don’t take care to maintain your air conditioner regularly there is a possibility of ice building around the evaporator coils in the air conditioner. This could cause dust, dirt, and even mold to form over the filter as well as other components of the air conditioner. If a thin layer frozen ice develops on the evaporator coil it will not be able to absorb heat and reduces the cooling effects of the alternating current. To resolve this issue clear the air filter on a regular basis. The issue will disappear in the majority of cases If not then we suggest contacting an expert service technician to solve the issue.

It is also possible for ice to form on the coils in the split AC Evaporator when the refrigerant levels drop because of a gas leak.

Clean Compressor

The cooling efficiency of a split-air conditioner could also be affected when the compressor in the outdoor is blocked or dirty dirt, which blocks the circulation of the air to your inside unit. But, this is unlikely to occur unless there is construction within your building, or there’s dirt in the vicinity of the outside part of your AC. It can be cleaned by spraying high-pressure water on it.


If your air conditioner isn’t cooling your space properly It could be due to the refrigerant levels being low. Refrigerant is the name of a gaseous or liquid compound used to absorb heat in the surroundings and when paired with the compressor of an air conditioner and evaporator, supplies cooling air. If your air conditioner isn’t properly loaded with refrigerant or if there’s an air leak in the divided air conditioner, then it might not be functioning properly.

This is more frequent in areas near the coast or near sewers, where the humidity and air pollution is excessive. To resolve this issue you must check your indoor split unit as well as the outdoor split unit, and the connections between them for leaks. Once you have plugged the leak you need to add refrigerant until the ideal level, according to the directions in the air conditioner’s manual.

3. A faulty compressor

A split AC compressor, which is one of its primary components, is situated outside of the unit. This allows for an efficient flow of air between the condenser as well as the condenser. If the compressor isn’t functioning properly, the air conditioner won’t achieve its full potential or, in some cases, not function in any way. It could be due to burned wire, a defective starting capacitor, or even a malfunctioning compressor.

In order to repair a damaged compressor on your split air conditioner, you’ll need to cleanse the coils of your condenser. check the condenser for damage, clean the fan in the outdoor unit, and then replace your compressor (if it is broken).

4. AC is turned on and off incessantly

When you’re Air conditioner’s split continues to turn on and off by itself It’s a good idea to switch off the unit until you’ve had it fixed. It’s likely that the split AC condenser and evaporator are dirty or blocked. An unclean air filter can hinder the flow of air, which can cause various issues, such as frozen coils of the evaporator. It is essential to clean or change the air filter for improved cooling and efficiency.

Another reason for this issue is the incorrect AC mode or setting for the timer. Sometimes, people select the incorrect AC mode or use the sleep timer function, which disables the AC power. Switch to normal mode and then turn off the sleep timer and see whether the issue has been resolved.